About Sonali Mittra
“In between the rightdoings and wrongdoings, there is a field. And I will meet you there.” – Rumi
Transcending through the political, scientific, and social world within a matter of a decade, I realized I was seeking something more. Something different than what we are told, taught, and educated about life, career, finances, and relationships. It was that feeling of how can life be just about this? While I was part of the rat race to begin with, I could never bring myself to follow the mass culture or the mass preferences. I would go into the wrongness of being different or wanting different things in life, only to realize later that was my biggest strength.
I began my self-exploration journey in early 20s with a volley of philosophy courses, books, and programs, while working at a political think-tank. Two different worlds, to say the least. The experience of working with and in different countries, fields of work, departments and subjects granted me the macroscopic understanding of how the world functions from top to bottom. A microscopic or in-depth view was still missing. For that, I had to dig deeper within to know what I was to this world and what this world is to me.
I left my years of work and accolades and dived in fully into the healing world, beginning with regression therapy and followed by several other modalities. From that moment on, life has been nothing less than a crazy adventure, expansion, and evolution.

A bit more about me
I am a certified regression therapist, Tasso International Netherlands; Family constellation practitioner, Institute of Holistic Sciences, India; Access Bars Trainer, Access Body process, Symphony of Possibilities, and Business Done Different Practitioner, United States. I completed my under graduation in Botany Hons, Delhi University, India, Environmental law, India; and master’s in environmental sciences, Manchester, United Kingdom. I was awarded the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Leaders in International Relations award in 2017 at Chatham House, London. I have authored several research and policy papers in international peer reviewed journals on several topics related to global governance. I am also a co-author of the book on ‘Alternative perspectives on water’ by Academic publication. I was formerly the program director for Asian Forum for Global Governance, an international policy school for young leaders.