The Problem

Workplace stress is said to be the next growing epidemic, and if neglected could have dire consequences for business growth. World Economic Forum estimates burnout’s global price tag at $322 billion. Over 43% of India’s working population is either nervous, depressed, or isolated.

Burnout seeps into every aspect of an employee’s personal and professional life, causing symptoms like:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Insomnia, migraines, poor physical health
  • Irritability and low energy or exhaustion
  • Disengagement or negative/cynical feelings about the job
  • Reduced workplace efficacy

All employers have the responsibility to consider their employees’ mental health and provide tools for the overall growth of their business.

Corporate programs

Our Vision

Our vision is to reduce the economic loss caused by stress, low motivation, absentees, mental health issues like anxiety; and to enhance creativity, efficiency and productivity for the growth of the company.

Our Main Goals

Our Programs 

Our programs are designed to improve emotional resilience, productivity and efficiency of the workforce in the company.

Stress and Burnout Prevention

Reduce mind chatter, improve productivity, bring more ease at work.

Organisational Constellation

Resolve block to sales, business growth and market

Leadership program

Empathetic Leadership

Training to improve Emotional Quotient (EQ)

Personal Sessions

Deep healing for self-improvement and performance

“What gift are you to the world that you are not acknowledging?”


“I have been in therapy for almost a decade now. I have tried many modalities but this one year program has brought a radical change for me. This is not to criticize other programs but for me this was a phenomenal journey of pain, pleasure, laughter, sadness, anger and joy. Hats off to Sonali for being the catalyst for this change and being so thorough with her interventions. Deeply grateful. Highly recommended!”


“Sonali is one of the most thoughtful, considerate and grounded person I have ever met. When I heard she was doing a yearlong program, I quickly signed up and she out-created herself through this program. What a crazy range of modalities, wisdom, exercises, home plays and sessions she has inculcated in this program! It was never boring, never-ending, never disappointing anytime during the one year. Must indulge and explore!”


“I was suffering from depression for the past decade. This one-year program has changed my reality. I have become so much more present, aware, and happy with myself and my living now. I am taking a lot of tools and techniques from this program for life. Highly recommended.”
