Six Pack Remodeling

What does it mean for you to transform your life and living? Does that mean a better financial situation, good health conditions, harmonious relationships, and emotional intelligence? All and everything. We seldom only want to change things are we feel are wrong or disastrous. We often think if we fix one problem or aspect of our lives, everything else will fall into place. How many of us have thought that if I can take care of my finances, everything else will be okay; if I get a loving partner, I will be happy; if I become fit and healthy, I will feel better, and so on. This transactional reality doesn’t work. 

Happiness, ease, joy, abundance is a choice. It is not a result of doing something or the other. Things start showing up in our lives because we choose to be happy, healthy, rich and loving. It is not the other way around. However, all the fundamental emotional equations we ever create to achieve something is what keeps us from creating the change. These equations might not even be yours. They may come from your ancestral lineage, friends, neighbors, books, movies or society in general.

6 pack remodelling
Mental and emotional health

program highlights

This 6-pack Remodeling program is to transform the foundation from which you function to create a life you desire.


“Who are you? Who are you willing to be? Who would you like to be?”


“This was so intense! I thought of giving up several times in the middle. It pushed my boundaries, it challenged my core beliefs, it asked me too many questions. At times, it was extraordinary, at other times, it was strange and confusing. 6 months later, my reality had changed without me even realizing it. All the issues I started with were gone. I didn’t even remember what I started with. My family was happier, my job was going well, my finances had improved. It was all well worth the time and effort! Thank you thank you, Sonali for pushing me!”


“Sonali is one hell of an interesting facilitator. She can be warm, strict, and very insightful all at the same time. I am in awe of her patience and wisdom for holding the space for me for 6 months. She was there through my journey more sincerely than I could imagine. Thank you for creating this program. It was fun to explore the deep dark secrets of my own life from this lens and create more change.”


“I can’t believe 6 months is over already. It didn’t feel like therapy or work. It was something different every single time. I have so much clarity about my life, my behavior, my relationships, what I create, what I destroy. I feel so powerful and potent after this program! It is incredible how much stuff I had stored within me never realizing what I truly desired and was good at. This was a fascinating journey. Would highly recommend this to anyone who wishes to be happy and realise their potential!”
