Five Things you don’t know about relationship with yourself
Explore five things you didn't know about relationship with yourself. It is the most important thing to create and generate a life of joy and harmony.
Explore five things you didn't know about relationship with yourself. It is the most important thing to create and generate a life of joy and harmony.
Do you know that you do start resembling the person you judge constantly? Judging others, being judged and judging yourself has a much deeper effect than you can imagine! Here is a quick take on how judgements create the biggest limitations in our lives.
Stress affects men and women differently. While the common symptoms of stress in women range from skin rashes, breakouts and anxiety; men show signs of fatigue, insomnia, lower back pains and irritability. Although the symptoms may not have much variation, the perception of stress by both the genders is starkly different. Women tend to perceive stress as more serious than men.
Trusting is an essential human response for survival and growth. Trust in self and others constitutes the fundamental basis of personal development and relationships. Have you ever paused and wondered what makes you trust some people and not others? How many times have we allowed ourselves to be hurt for trusting someone too quick? What if that is a lie? What if the fault wasn’t in trusting but in the understanding of what we were trusting? Here are a few insights into the emotion of trust.
Parenting has been hard, especially for parents of millennials and more so for parents of Gen Z. With the onset of the information age, socio-economic upheavals, and breakdown of the family structures, parenting has become a domain of strategic planning and management. In the movie Taare Zameen par, you could see the child being put through intense routines, training and discipline to prepare the child for a fairly competitive and cut-throat world; and if the child was unable to adhere to the rules, parents saw it as a failure on their part and that of their child’s.
Why do we need emotional resilience? Stress is an inevitable part of our lives. From trying to get to work on time to dealing with an emotional trauma, we cope…
Loneliness is a world-wide phenomenon. Everyone at some point or the other in their lives has experienced loneliness. Some deal with it better, others pretend to manage it and then some ignore it completely. In one way or another, loneliness speaks to us of an innate need to connect to others. Can loneliness be a strength?
We spend our entire lives trying to prove something or the other to the world. We would like to prove that we are successful. We would like to prove that we are good people. We would like to prove that we are strong. How heavy and draining is that? What if we didn’t have to prove anything? How would your life be then?
Have you ever felt hopeless about a situation, person, or anything else in your life? How does it feel? It is as if something has pulled out an energy plug from the body. Can we change that by changing our thoughts? Yes.
Our choices create our reality. I manifested one of the most out of control problems in my body to understand that I had the power to create my body and my life. What was this choice I made that actualised an autoimmune disorder in my body at age 30?