Read more about the article Why Does Stress Affect Women More Than Men?
Stress in women

Why Does Stress Affect Women More Than Men?

Stress affects men and women differently. While the common symptoms of stress in women range from skin rashes, breakouts and anxiety; men show signs of fatigue, insomnia, lower back pains and irritability. Although the symptoms may not have much variation, the perception of stress by both the genders is starkly different. Women tend to perceive stress as more serious than men.

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Read more about the article What Strength is Your Loneliness?
What Strength is Your Loneliness?

What Strength is Your Loneliness?

Loneliness is a world-wide phenomenon. Everyone at some point or the other in their lives has experienced loneliness. Some deal with it better, others pretend to manage it and then some ignore it completely. In one way or another, loneliness speaks to us of an innate need to connect to others. Can loneliness be a strength?

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